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Educational Game: Montessori .. صندوقي التعليمي مونتيسوري للقراءة و
Brand: N/A
An educational game for children to learn Arabic, based on cards and Maria Montessori's method.

يقدم صندوقي التعليمي مونتيسوري للقراءة والكتابة أسلوب تعليم تطبيقي سهل أثبت فعاليته منذ أطلقته في الروضات ماريا مونتيسوري. خطوة بخطوة يتضمن أدوات تعليمية تراعي طبيعة الطفل الفضولية والمحبة للاستكشاف، بعيدا عن أساليب التلقين التقليدية. الصندوق غني بالبطاقات المرتبطة بمراحل محددة بدءا بمطابقة الأحرف مع أصواتها ورموزها وصولا الى تشكيل الكلمات والجمل، وقد حرصنا على أن يكون مناسبا للاستخدام الفردي المنزلي كما للاستعمال في الصف مع امكانية اشراك طفلين أو أكثر في تطبيق التمرين نفسه سويا.

Released: February 2022.
Weight: 3.5 Kgs.
Essential Oil: Lavender, Aromatherapy, Potion Kitchen
Brand: Potion Kitchen
Our 100% pure Lavender essential oil is soothing, calming and perfect for creating a bedtime ritual. Lavender also easily fits into your beauty routine thanks to its antibacterial properties.

How to Use:

-Relaxing Bedtime aroma: Apply 2-3 drops on your pillow before going to sleep in order to promote a restful night.

-Diffuser: Add 15 drops to your diffuser and enjoy a stress-free environment.

-Bath Tub: Add 10 drops to a warm bath to relax your body and mind.


-This essential oil is to be avoided during pregnancy, lactation or cases of epilepsy.

-Do not apply more than the recommended amount.

-Avoid contact with eyes, ears, and nose.

-Test on a small area of your skin before usage to monitor allergic reactions.

-Should not be used on children under 5 years.

Key Ingredients: 100% pure Lavandula angustifolia oil.
Weight: 0.2 Kgs.
x (3 x 5 ml)
Essential Oil: Rosemary, Lavender, Peppermint, Aromatherapy
Brand: Potion Kitchen
A 5 ml flacon of 100% pure Lavender essential oil + a 5 ml flacon of 100% pure Peppermint essential oil + a 5 ml flacon of 100% pure Rosemary essential oil.


-These essential oils are to be avoided during pregnancy, lactation or cases of epilepsy.

-Do not apply more than the recommended amount.

-Avoid contact with eyes, ears, and nose.

-Test on a small area of your skin before usage to monitor allergic reactions.

-Should not be used on children under 5 years.
Weight: 0.2 Kgs.
x (3 x 5 ml)