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Book: Dolola Bundle For Children
Brand: Dolola
A bundle of 4 Arabic musical books: My favorite nursery rhymes in Arabic, My favorite nursery rhymes in Arabic 2, My oriental musical instruments, My favorite Christmas carols in Arabic.


A sound book that offers 7 double pages and 7 audio chips for kids to discover the Arabic alphabet while singing. Each letter is illustrated by a word.


This unique interactive musical book introduces children aged 0 to 7 to six of the most popular Arabic/Lebanese nursery rhymes: Aammi Bou Massoud, Kellon aandon siyarat, Tolee el daw aal wawi, Yalla naammer ya asshab, Iidik ya mama, Fi aanna chajra.
The child will be able to discover, sing and learn these songs in full autonomy as each page has a button that allows them to play an extract. Each nursery rhyme is transcribed in Arabic as well as phonetic Arabic.


This musical book for kids features illustrations and recordings of 6 oriental instruments (Qanoun, Oud, Derbaké and Daf, Nay, Oriental violin, Buzuq). Each page has a story and a button, which the child presses to play a 15 to 20 second soundtrack.


This unique interactive musical book introduces children aged 0 to 7 to six of the most popular Christmas songs: Laylet iid, jayii papa Noel, Ahla bi Papa Noel, Am yenzal ettalje, Fi chajra w iid, Aayad al layl.
The child will be able to discover, sing and learn these songs in full autonomy as each page has a button that allows them to play an extract. Each nursery rhyme is transcribed in Arabic as well as phonetic Arabic.

1-7 years. 16 x 16 cm. Published: 2019-2020
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: I ll Love You from Afar (for Children)
Brand: Luqoom
Written by Racha Mourtada; Illustrated by Sasha Haddad

We all feel like we’ve missed out on our fair share of hugs and physical affection this year because of the coronavirus.

'I’ll Love You from Afar' is an ode to all the wonderful and imaginative ways we can still love each other while we’re apart–like using singing whales and writing notes in the stars!

With whimsical illustrations and rhyming text, this children's book is a sweet reminder for people of all ages that we can love each other no matter how near or far.

Ages: 5+

Format: 26 x 26 cm, 32 pages. English

Release Date: October 15, 2020
Weight: 0.5 Kgs.
Book: Room for Me and You,  by Racha Mourtada (for Children)
Brand: Luqoom
Illustrated by Sasha Haddad.

Once upon a pandemic, the animals came out to play while we humans were away, including three goats that–frankly–think it’s much nicer when we’re not around. Yes, we’re not good at sharing this beautiful planet we call home, but surely we can find ways to make it an inviting place for everyone?

'Room for Me and You' was inspired by the true stories and amazing sightings of animals taking over cities during the 2020 lockdown. It encourages kids (and grownups!) to be more considerate towards all creatures on this wonderful Earth.

Ages: 5+

Format: 26 x 26 cm, 32 pages. Hardcover with gold foil

Release Date: June 11, 2022
Weight: 0.6 Kgs.
Book: Swingers Clingers Arabic (for Children)
Brand: Luqoom
.حيوانات تسبح وتمرح وتتأرجح

Written by Racha Mourtada; Illustrated by Elia Tawil

هل سبقَ لكم أن تساءلتُم كيف يتأرجحُ القردُ عبرَ الأشجار، أو كيف يتعلّق أبو بريص رأساً على عقبٍ بأوراقِ الشجر؟

يكشفُ الكتاب الطرقَ الرائعة التي تنتقلُ بها الحيواناتُ، من الليمور القافز إلى السلطعون الزاحف وغيرهما .برسومِه الحيويّة وتفسيراتِه البسيطةِ للحركةِ الحيوانيّة، سيُسعِدُ هذا الكتاب عشّاقَ الحيواناتِ من جميعِ الأعمار

Ages: 7+

Format: 24 x 24 cm, 64 pages. Arabic

Release Date: January, 2020

Also available in English
Weight: 0.5 Kgs.
Book: Swingers Clingers and Other . (for Children)
Brand: Luqoom
Swingers, Clingers and Other Amazing Animals in Motion.

Written by Racha Mourtada; Illustrated by Elia Tawil

Have you ever wondered how a monkey swings through the trees, or how a gecko can cling upside down to a leaf?

‘Swingers, Clingers and Other Amazing Animals in Motion’ explores the wonderful ways animals move, from leaping lemurs to crawling crabs and more! With lush illustrations and simple explanations of animal locomotion, this book will delight animal enthusiasts of all ages.

Ages: 7+

Format: 24 x 24 cm, 64 pages. English

Release Date: January, 2020

Also available in Arabic
Weight: 0.5 Kgs.
Book: When I grow up I want to be ...
Brand: Luqoom
... عندما أكبر، أريد أن أكون

By Mona Karaoui. Illustrations by Siwar Kraytem.

هل تحبون استكشاف الكواكب؟ او تصوير الحيوانات البرية؟ أو قيادة فرقة موسيقية؟ 'عندما أكبر، أريد أن أكون...' هو كتاب للقراء الصغار ذوي الطموحات الكبيرة، يأخذكم في رحلة رائعة حول عالم من المهن المشوقة.

22 x 28 cm, Arabic.
Release Date: October 27th, 2018
Weight: 0.5 Kgs.
Books: Bright Lebanese Legends, Bundle, By Saria Hanna Moutran (For Children)
Brand: N/A
In this bundle, your little one will receive three stories in English from the Bright Lebanese Legends collection: Fairouz, Danny Thomas, and Gibran Khalil Gibran.

Bright Lebanese Legends is a collection of stories from Lebanon, a tiny country in the Middle East whose legends dreamt so big and shone so bright, that they made the world a better place.

Ages: 4+. (Ideal 7+)

Format: 28.5 x 23.5 x 3 cm.
Weight: 1.6 Kgs.
Books: Bundle by Fatima Sharafeddine, for Children
Brand: Turning Point
Stories from around the world. Bundle of five traditional stories from China, the Celtic civilization, Greece, Brazil and Japan.

Book 1: ورقة القيقب الحمراء
Book 2: قيثارة الملك
Book 3: حكاية قفص
Book 4: أميرة في صندوق
Book 5: الرجل الذي يجعل أشجار الكرز تزهر

Language: Arabic
Format: 24 cm x 35 cm
Weight: 1 Kg.
Books: Luqoom English Bundle, by Racha Mourtada (for Children)
Brand: Luqoom
$56  $53

Illustrated by Sasha Haddad.

We all feel like we’ve missed out on our fair share of hugs and physical affection this year because of the coronavirus.

'I’ll Love You from Afar' is an ode to all the wonderful and imaginative ways we can still love each other while we’re apart–like using singing whales and writing notes in the stars!

With whimsical illustrations and rhyming text, this children's book is a sweet reminder for people of all ages that we can love each other no matter how near or far.

Ages: 5+

Format: 26 x 26 cm, 32 pages. English. Hardcover with gold foil

Release Date: October 15, 2020


Illustrated by Elia Tawil.

Have you ever wondered how a monkey swings through the trees, or how a gecko can cling upside down to a leaf?

‘Swingers, Clingers and Other Amazing Animals in Motion’ explores the wonderful ways animals move, from leaping lemurs to crawling crabs and more! With lush illustrations and simple explanations of animal locomotion, this book will delight animal enthusiasts of all ages.

Ages: 7+

Format: 24 x 24 cm, 64 pages. English

Release Date: January 2, 2020. Hardcover with silver foil


Illustrated by Sasha Haddad.

Once upon a pandemic, the animals came out to play while we humans were away, including three goats that–frankly–think it’s much nicer when we’re not around. Yes, we’re not good at sharing this beautiful planet we call home, but surely we can find ways to make it an inviting place for everyone?

'Room for Me and You' was inspired by the true stories and amazing sightings of animals taking over cities during the 2020 lockdown. It encourages kids (and grownups!) to be more considerate towards all creatures on this wonderful Earth.

Ages: 5+

Format: 26 x 26 cm, 32 pages. Hardcover with gold foil

Release Date: June 11, 2022

Weight: 1.6 Kgs.
Books: Vert Méditerranée, Un phare sur la Méditerranée, Tous les enfants .., By Mehanna, Anid
Brand: Tamyras
A bundle of 3 children books in French / Arabic by Tania Hadjithomas Mehanna and Nada Saleh Anid:

Vert Méditerranée

Retrouvez Sami le petit garçon curieux, Médéros, le gardien de phare un peu magicien et Ulysse, le perroquet bavard et explorez en leur compagnie les forêts méditerranéennes aux mille trésors. Oliviers, cèdres, pins parasol, chênes, figuiers, palmiers- dattier, apprenez à connaître les différents arbres de la Méditerranée.

Un phare sur la Méditerranée

Sami, petit garçon méditerranéen, va tous les après- midi rejoindre Médéros, le gardien du phare. Avec Ulysse, un perroquet capricieux, il va explorer les richesses de la mer Méditerranée, poser beaucoup de questions, apprendre des tas de choses et surtout découvrir toute la beauté de cette mer qui nous rassemble.

Tous les enfants ont des droits

Sami se demande pourquoi à la maison, à l’école, il ne se heurte qu’à des interdictions. Médéros lui explique alors que tous les enfants ont des droits et que la Charte des Droits de l’enfant ratifiée par la quasi-totalité des pays de la planète est là pour les défendre.

Weight: 1 Kg.
Bundle: برقوق , أنا الشدّة, أنا النقطة , for Children
Brand: Turning Point
تأليف: ليلى زاهد
رسوم: أنجيلا نربتليان

أخطاء برقوق أصبحت كثيرة، خصوصًا بعد أن أخذ المركبة من دون إذن وتنقّل بها بسرعة في الفضاء وأرعب الجميع. يقرّر والده أن يرسله في مهمّة إلى كوكب فوضاوات وبالتّحديد إلى منطقة على ذوقي على أن يكتشف مهمّته هناك. لا تنفع توسّلات برقوق ووعوده ويضطرّ إلى الانطلاق إلى الكوكب المعروف بأوضاعه الصّعبة. ماذا يكتشف برقوق هناك وماهي مهمّته؟ هَلْ يََنْجَحُ في تَنْفيذِها وَكَيْفَ؟ كتاب يتميّز بنصّ طريف ورسوم جميلة، يضيء على مشكلة رمي النّفايات، ويشجّع على المحافظة على بيئة نظيفة كما يركّز على أهميّة فرز النّفايات وإعادة التّدوير.

أنا الشدّة
تأليف: ليلى زاهد
رسوم: أنجيلا نربتليان

كتاب ضمن السّلسلة يتكلّم عن اهميّة الشدّة في اللغة العربيّة في حين أن الأولاد في سنينهم الدراسيّة الأولى قد ينسون وضع
الشدّة او يعتبرونها غير مهمة. ففي هذه القصّة الشدّة تكون هي الاقوى وتبرز اهمّيّتها عتد الحروف والكلمات أنّها تجعل
الحرف أشدّ وأقوى

أنا النقطة
تأليف: ليلى زاهد
رسوم: أنجيلا نربتليان

كتاب ضمن السلسلة عن النقطة ودورها في اللغة العربية وعن قدرتها على تغيير المعنى بتغيير مكانها أو حذفها. ويميّزه أسلبه
الفكاهي والسلس للأطفال

Weight: 1.25 Kgs.