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Book:     Maguy Farah 2024 - كتاب ماغي فرح
Brand: N/A
Vol. Discount: $29 for 2 units or more
The new Maguy Farah 2024 book. Astrology / horoscope. كتاب ماغي فرح توقعات ٢٠٢٤
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Weight: 1.1 Kgs.
Book:  Seasons of Lebanon by Jamal Saidi
Brand: Turning Point
$40  $30
Lebanon: Four Seasons is an entrancing visual journey that presents the uncovered beauty found in the four seasons of the Mediterranean gem that is Lebanon.

Captured through the lens of renowned Lebanese photographer Jamal Saidi, these vivid images tell the story of a precious natural heritage to be cared for, cherished, and shared with the world.

While much of Lebanon’s beauty is boldly visible, far more lies hidden from the hustle and bustle of humanity, awaiting discovery. Lebanon’s Four Seasons showcases how much the people of Lebanon have to be grateful for, and how much nature helps to define what it truly means to be Lebanese.

24 cm x 28.5 cm, English, 2017.
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: كتاب  معا إلى الأبد ، كارول وكارلوس غصن, Carlos Ghosn
Brand: N/A
.قصة حب و صمود في مواجهة الظلم

مــن جهتهــا، تتحدث كارول الزوجــة والحبيبة عن خيبــة أملها من الجهــات التي كان
يفتــرض أن تســاند زوجهــا، وتــروي إصرارهــا على مســاندته ومســاعدته للخروج من
.محنته إيمانا منها ببراءته
Weight: 0.5 Kgs.
Book: كتاب العرض الأخير - سيرة سيلَما طرابلس , by Hady Zaccak
Brand: N/A
عُرفت السينما في الأوساط الشعبيّة الطرابلسيّة باسم "سيلَما" واحتلّت مكانةً مهمّة في حياة المدينة، امتدّت من الثلاثينيّات إلى نهاية القرن العشرين.
يروي هذا الكتاب سيرة صعود وازدهار "سيلَما" فتتكوّن المعابد والطقوس والقصص والأفلام والنجوم وتتشابك السينما مع حياة مدينة عربيّة اختبرت كل أنواع الأفلام في حياتها.
تواكب "سيلَما" تاريخ طرابلس المعاصر قبل أن تسلّم روحها مخلّفة إرثاً كبيراً من الصور والأصوات.

The Last Screening A biography of Cilama Tripoli

618 pages, 31 x 25 cm, Arabic.

Date of Publish: August 2021, ZAC Films

Weight: 3 Kgs.
Book: 100 Années de Timbres ... by Abdo Ayoub
Brand: N/A
100 années de timbres. Une Collection d’histoires du Liban 1919-2019 (A hundred years of Lebanese stamps, a collection of stories) par Abdo Ayoub. En collaboration avec Tania Arwachan.

Le timbre, petit bout de papier d’une grande importance aux yeux des philatélistes, voit le jour en Angleterre en 1840.

Solution postale et fiscale révolutionnaire, il est adopté progressivement par le reste du monde. Ce livre présente tousles timbres émis au Liban depuis 1919.

Regroupés par séries d’émission, les timbres ont été reproduits à l’échelle 1/1, et sont accompagnés pour chaque année d’anecdotes philatéliques, historiques ou littéraires.

23x30cm, 268 pages, French.

Publishing Date: December 2018
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: 55 slightly sinister stories, by Racha Mourtada
Brand: Luqoom
Illustrated by Lynn Atme.

55 stories.
55 words each.
No more.
No less.

Size does matter in these delightfully tiny tales populated with narcoleptic drivers, bickering bakers, suspicious spouses and other memorable characters.

Full of dark humour, intrigue and absurdity, this collection of slightly sinister (and occasionally sweet) stories delivers a bite-size reading experience to satisfy any literary craving

Format: 16 x 20 cm, 128 pages. Hardcover

Release Date: June 13, 2019
Weight: 0.5 Kgs.
Book: Abandoned Dwellings: A History of Beirut
Brand: Kaph
Over the past 150 years, Beirut has witnessed a cycle of unbridled growth, war, economic and social crises and migratory movements.

It is in this territory ceaselessly destroyed and
rebuilt, broken and regenerated, that Gregory Buchakjian has undertaken an artistic project and a research devoted to abandoned dwellings.

Disclosing the survey of 744 buildings, the collection of archives and testimonies, a PhD thesis and the creation of photographic tableaux with the subjects surrounded by sagging furniture and mounds of rubbish, the process that constitutes the present book proposes new perspectives towards the city as well as instruments to reclaim it at times it is confronted with various forms of violence.

Format: 24 cm x 28 cm, 240 pages, 215 photographs and reproductions (colored and black & white), English

Published: November 2018

(Also available in French)
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: Alive: Gibran Khalil Gibran, by Joumana Bou Fakhreddine
Brand: N/A
'Alive' is the first art encyclopedia of Gibran Khalil Gibran presented luxuriously in two volumes in a box, with large format.

It is a beautiful illustrated book for Gibran Khalil Gibran, covering things for the first time after tremendous dedication for knowing and documenting the truth.

The 18 chapters of the book project Gibran Khalil Gibran’s prophecy in every stage of his life and how Gibran was a superior poet, a dreamer of beauty and a great Painter.

The book is a brilliant journey that contains precious manuscripts, documentation, paintings, and photographs with full of Gibran’s narration within foretelling Gibran’s life visions, upon them this beauty of wisdom and value of practical vision for optimism that now we call it positive energy.

28 cm x 28 cm, 1200 pages, English. Publication Date: 2017.
Weight: 7 Kgs.
Book: And So We Drive On ... by Marina Chamma
Brand: N/A
A collection of short stories inspired by Lebanon and life in Beirut. By Marina Chamma.
Weight: 0.5 Kgs.
Book: Avant d'Oublier  2, by Georges Boustany - Livre
Brand: N/A
Articles parus sous la rubrique 'La Carte du tendre, L'Orient Le Jour 2019-2021'

Date of Publication: November 2022.
Weight: 1.8 Kgs.
Book: Avant d'Oublier , by Georges Boustany - Livre
Brand: Les Editions L'Orient-Le Jour
'Avant d'oublier' est un véritable album de famille que je remets entre vos mains.

Avant d'être des pièces de collection appartenant au monde de la photo d’amateurs anonymes, ces objets nous viennent de personnes disparues, de greniers abandonnés, de caisses jetées aux ordures pour débarrasser une maison à détruire, parfois de ruines de guerre; vous en avez certainement de similaires chez vous, dans les albums de vos parents ou de vos grands-parents. Ces photos vous toucheront profondément: vous ne manquerez pas, au fil des pages, d'y reconnaître des personnages, une ambiance, un quartier qui ne sont plus, un décor familier qui, telle la madeleine de Proust, remuera en vous, parfois jusqu'aux larmes, des sensations oubliées. Ces photos vous parleront d'un monde aboli. Elles sont les traces poignantes d'une époque qui s'est abruptement terminée le dimanche 13 avril 1975.

Le livre 'Avant d’oublier' est un recueil des chroniques 'La carte du tendre' de Georges Boustany publiées dans L’Orient-Le Jour entre 2017 et 2019, enrichi de nombreuses photos d’époque inédites.

24,5 x 29.5 cm, French, 208 Pages.

Publishing Date: January 2020
Weight: 1.8 Kgs.
Book: Avant d'Oublier 1 and 2, by Georges Boustany - Livre
Brand: N/A
$100  $95
'Avant d'oublier' volumes 1 and 2, in a bundle.
Weight: 3.6 Kgs.
Book: Beirut 1840-1918, by Badr el Hage & Samir Moubarak
Brand: N/A
Beirut 1840-1918, A Visual & Descriptive Portrait.

This Kutub book in 2 volumes is a history of the photography of Beirut from the earliest known photographers in the 1840s until the end of the First World War.

The first part is divided into six chapters: 1- Early Photographers. 2- The Second Decade: the 1850s. 3- The Golden Age of the 1860s. 4- The Dawn of Syrian Photography. 5- Resident Foreign and Local Photographers. 6- Professional and Amateur Photographers from 1880 to 1918.

The second part is historical, consisting of eleven chapters that describe numerous major political and social events such as sectarian conflicts, changes in political thought, bombardments of the city, Turkish oppression as well as economic developments, pilgrims, social life, etc. and a detailed topographical description of the harbor and its enlargement, the Old Town, newly built districts outside the old walls, leisure facilities, urban developments including a new water supply system, railway line to Damascus, the historic looting of antiquities, the quarantine system and many other aspects.

Volume I: Text & Illustrations: 374 pp. + [1], frontispiece plan, vignette on title page, 317 b/w photographs, maps, figures, 1 lage folding watercolour.

Volume II: 271 pp. 301 b/w photographs including 5 folding panorama + one double page watercolour, vignette on title page, biblio/. index, set fitted in a paper slip case in mint condition, new.

Date of Release: November 2022.
Weight: 2.75 Kgs.
Book: Beirut Bakery, by Rita-Maria Kordahi
Brand: N/A
Au travers de 80 recettes issues de la cuisine libanaise et classées par type de plats, Rita-Maria Kordahi vous invite à voyager entre Paris et Beyrouth.

Beirut Bakery est un service de catering parisien mêlant cuisine libanaise et parisienne contemporaine pour créer de nouvelles saveurs inédites!

Date de Publication: Octobre 2023
Weight: 1.2 Kgs.
Book: Beirut by Day, by Tania Hadjithomas Mehanna
Brand: Tamyras
This book is not a history book. It is a walk through the geographical space that is my universe. A cry of love, a cry for help; sometimes I do not recognize my city. And sometimes at the corner of a street, in someone’s face, I stumble on it, Beirut, so generous and unique. Sweet and bitter Beirut.

Many of us entertain a love-hate relationship with this city. I love you, I hate you, I'm leaving, I’m coming back. There are so many things to be said about Beirut. But I’m tired of myths and clichés, tired of nodding agreeably when spoken to of the Phoenix, of the city that is reborn from its ashes. I want my city to be saved. I no longer wish for it to die and be reborn. I’m tired of labels.

Living in Beirut isn’t enough. You have to live Beirut, to walk its streets, travel its highways, speak to its inhabitants, remember its history, hold on to what is left of it in your arms and shed light on its monuments, bring out its soul.

In Arabic, the word for neighborhood is Hay, and Hay means alive. The neighborhoods of Beirut are indeed alive. Each is distinct, with its different moods, troubles and joys, with Others just a few paces away. These Others that hold a piece of us.

Traveling through my city’s 51 neighborhoods has left a strong mark on my Beiruti identity. I belong to no other city. Beirut isn’t an idea. It is not impossible. Beirut is a challenge. It exists. It wakes up every morning and hurries through the day.

It’s too often talked about in the past, with a tremor in the voice of those who are hanging on to bygone sterile times. It’s also spoken of in the future, with uncertainty. But in this book Beirut is spoken of in the present, a cry of love; all that I have to offer.

Bilingual: English, French.
Weight: 2.2 Kgs.
Book: Beirut Guilty Pleasures, by Zaven Kouyoumdjian
Brand: N/A
In Beirut Guilty Pleasures (Kif ma Kent Bhebbak), author Zaven Kouyoumedjian and photographer Ali Shehadi document the rise and fall of many Beiruti landmarks before, during, and after the 1970s Lebanese Civil War, up until the October 17, 2019 uprising and subsequently the aftermath of the Beirut port explosion on August 4, 2020 and the 'COVID19 Era'.

They follow the map of Beirut in a circular motion, starting with the Port’s Silos, L’Orient, Saint Georges Bay, The Holiday Inn, Burj el Murr, the Teatro, Martyrs’ Square, the Fist, the Egg, the Connection mural, Beit Beirut, and ending with the National Museum.

This demarcation area which constituted Beirut’s golden days and was severely damaged by the war is dissected into rich and rare photographs dating from early 20th Century until the early 21st Century Beirut. Last but not least, the book’s added value is the background story and unprecedented info about each monument and landmark that might be surprising to some, while interesting to everyone.

Languages: English and Arabic
Format: 24 x 16.5 cm, 296 pages
Publication Date: September 2022
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: Beirut to the burbs by Anissa Rafeh
Brand: N/A
From the writer who brought you Miss Guided: How to Step into the Lebanese Glam Lane comes this hilarious book at surviving life in suburban America after 18 years of living it up in Beirut.

Anissa Rafeh tells you all you need to know about essential life skills, like: 1. Microwaving (dinner in two minutes or less), 2. Knowing what’s playing on Netflix (every Friday is a holiday), and 3. How to shovel your driveway without chipping a nail (get someone else to do it). It’s clear that you can take the girl out of Beirut, but never Beirut out of the girl, especially when it comes to socializing, dating, shopping, and getting picture-perfect.

Leaving her Louboutin’s back in Beirut, but forever clutching on to her Prada bag, she maneuvers the bumpy transition, taking detours and making wrong turns, but always remembering the number one rule to surviving the ’burbs: life’s a laugh!

Language: English.
Published: January 2017.
Weight: 0.33 Kgs.
Book: Chaouki Choukini
Brand: Kaph
Text by Kevin Jones
Poems by Salah Stétié

Since the late 1960s, Chaouki Choukini has developed an astoundingly consistent aesthetic worldview.

His sculptural works, mainly in wood but occasionally in marble or stone, range from horizontal Lieux and Paysages to upright, anthropomorphic, almost totemic figures.

At first glance, the works may appear somewhat primitivist. A closer look, however, reveals a sophisticated interrogation of organic and mechanical worlds, where curvaceous mounds are punctuated by a regiment of pegs, or undulating bases bristle with teeth-like crags.

Discursively, Choukini layers an eerie latency into his works: mazes of slits, recesses, and multi-level cavities evoke some vanished human presence on the tense horizon line; the ubiquitous “cord” is a taut yet silent marker of dormant sound. Choukini is tantalizingly dark.

His is a world of brooding, empty spaces, where narratives struggle to tell themselves, and everything is in suspense.

Format: 24.7 cm x 17.7 cm, 168 pages, English

Published: December 2019
Weight: 0.8 Kgs.
Book: Chateau Musar The Story of a Wine Icon
Brand: N/A
Chateau Musar’s story is one of war, hardship and utter determination in the face of chaos and destruction. Serge Hochar, the heroic Lebanese winemaker who stood by his wines through the 15 years of civil war (1975–1990) dodging shells and road-blocks to get his precious grapes to safety, knew that his wines were among the brightest stars in the world wine firmament. Today we look at the uniquely complex (and often miraculous) wines he created and begin to understand how and why Serge worked in the way he did. Only now, in a new era of ‘Natural Wines’ do we fully appreciate what he was trying to achieve…

Our new book celebrates Chateau Musar – its history, its terroir, the philosophy of its winemaker, and the legacy that the Hochar family (Ronald, Gaston, Marc and Ralph) continue today – alongside its remarkable catalogue of vintages and stunning new releases from the winery in 2020.

Musar has attracted a loyal fan base around the world since Michael Broadbent first ‘discovered’ the wine in 1979. Today, vintage collectors, food lovers, A-list sommeliers and the many of us who look for a wine with something distinctively different to say, are drawn to its unique character and fashionably ‘hands-off’ approach to viticulture and winemaking. Our new title charts Musar’s journey from Lebanese rising star to global taste sensation.
Weight: 1 Kg.
Book: Cinema in Lebanon, Liban, by Raphael Millet
Brand: N/A
Cinema in Lebanon, Le cinéma au Liban.

11 Conversations with Mario Haddad, Georges Nasser, Mounir Maasri, Jocelyne Saab, Jean-Claude Codsi, Ghassan Salhab, Mohamed Soueid, Ziad Doueiri, Joana Hadjithomas & Khalil Joreige, Nadine Labaki, Georges Schoucair.

Cinema in Lebanon recounts a tumultuous history starting in 1897, the year Alexandre Promio creates the first movie ever filmed in Lebanon for the Lumière Brothers, up until 2015.

This bilingual work offers an in-depth exploration of the subject supported by a large iconographic selection, eleven exclusive conversations with key figures of the film industry - directors, producers, actors, cinema operators - and an extensive filmography.

With this book, Raphaël Millet rewrites the history of cinema in Lebanon in the broader context of film history.

Chronologically, the author introduces us to the very beginning of cinema, the Golden Age, the war and post-war periods, highlighting the determination and ingenuity of this industry that knew how to resist, survive, and self renew.

Speaking to a large readership, from the general public to the experts, Cinema in Lebanon offers detailed analyses of movies, an essential contextualisation, and access to exclusive visual archives.

It is also a book that gives voice to those who have made - and still make - movies in Lebanon.

25 cm x 25 cm, 464 pages, English and French. Publication Date: December 2017.
Weight: 2.6 Kgs.
Book: Comme À Beyrouth, by Alan Geaam
New Release
Brand: N/A
80 recettes.

Par les odeurs et saveurs, laissez-vous transporter par un petit bout du Liban...
Découvrez toute la richesse de la véritable cuisine libanaise avec des boissons, grillades et plats, boulangerie, desserts, ainsi que des classiques et recettes plus atypiques: houmous traditionnel, caviar de chou-fleur...

Immergez dans cette culture riche et colorée par les saveurs mais aussi par les reportages authentiques dans les rues libanaises.

Alan Geaam est un chef cuisinier de renom au parcours atypique. Sans avoir appris au sein de grandes cuisines gastronomiques, Alan a réussi à tracer sa route pleine de succès en autodidacte et est à présent chef étoilé.

Date de Publication: Novembre 2023
Weight: 1.6 Kgs.
Book: Culinary Adventures, by Hanan Haddad
Brand: N/A
An everyday cookbook comprised of simple and tasty recipes for all, the aspiring cook to the seasoned kitchen regular.

Passionate about food since an early age, baking and cooking have been a constant in various phases of Hanan's life.

Organized according to meals, this book drives to the core of what cooking means to her - gathering people to break bread.

She loves to entertain and what better way to share her table than with a cookbook filled with the recipes she has collected from all her journeys and adventures?

Features recipes of soups & salads, cheese & veggies, meats & chicken, fish, sweets, drinks, savory pastries & breads.

Date de Publication: June 2022.
Weight: 1.7 Kgs.
Book: Delia - A Survivor's Story by Ariana Papazian
Brand: Turning Point
On August 4, 2020, sixteen-year-old Ariana was spending the day with her friend and her family in her Beirut apartment. It was a normal day for a normal teenager. But, at 6.10pm a cataclysmic blast ripped through the nearby port of Beirut; destroying her apartment, and killing her beloved mother, Delia. In a second, Ariana’s safe world was turned upside down.

Delia is the heart rending and visceral story of the chaotic aftermath of the blast and how Ariana gradually rebuilds her life. She recounts how she survives the explosion, escapes her devastated apartment, and reunites with her family in a shattered Beirut.

Over the following months, grief stricken Ariana slowly adjusts to her new life without her mother’s guiding hand. She returns to her apartment and to school, she faces her mother’s memorial service, and milestone birthdays. She finds solace and healing through writing about her experiences, in her honest and direct style.

This is a universal tale of survival and stoicism, seen through the eyes of a young girl, mature beyond her years, with the courage to lay bare her soul and heart.

14 cm x 21 cm, 128 pages.
Published: April 2022
Weight: 0.26 Kgs.
Book: Dolola Bundle For Children
Brand: Dolola
A bundle of 4 Arabic musical books: My favorite nursery rhymes in Arabic, My favorite nursery rhymes in Arabic 2, My oriental musical instruments, My favorite Christmas carols in Arabic.


A sound book that offers 7 double pages and 7 audio chips for kids to discover the Arabic alphabet while singing. Each letter is illustrated by a word.


This unique interactive musical book introduces children aged 0 to 7 to six of the most popular Arabic/Lebanese nursery rhymes: Aammi Bou Massoud, Kellon aandon siyarat, Tolee el daw aal wawi, Yalla naammer ya asshab, Iidik ya mama, Fi aanna chajra.
The child will be able to discover, sing and learn these songs in full autonomy as each page has a button that allows them to play an extract. Each nursery rhyme is transcribed in Arabic as well as phonetic Arabic.


This musical book for kids features illustrations and recordings of 6 oriental instruments (Qanoun, Oud, Derbaké and Daf, Nay, Oriental violin, Buzuq). Each page has a story and a button, which the child presses to play a 15 to 20 second soundtrack.


This unique interactive musical book introduces children aged 0 to 7 to six of the most popular Christmas songs: Laylet iid, jayii papa Noel, Ahla bi Papa Noel, Am yenzal ettalje, Fi chajra w iid, Aayad al layl.
The child will be able to discover, sing and learn these songs in full autonomy as each page has a button that allows them to play an extract. Each nursery rhyme is transcribed in Arabic as well as phonetic Arabic.

1-7 years. 16 x 16 cm. Published: 2019-2020
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: Escape Ghosn, by Michèle Standjofski, Mohamad Kraytem, Bandes Dessinees
Brand: N/A
Scénario de Michèle Standjofski, Illustré par Mohamad Kraytem.

La cavale et l'évasion de Carlos Ghosn, depuis Tokyo jusqu'à Beyrouth, en passant par Osaka et Istanbul, racontées selon un scénario aux ambiances distinctes: des scènes en direct aux couleurs froides, des flash-back aux couleurs chaudes et des images fantasmées hors cadre.
Weight: 0.6 Kgs.
Book: Fatina's Recipes Modern Cooking, by Fatina Daher
New Release
Brand: N/A
وصفات فاتنة. Bilingual cookbook in English and Arabic, featuring a modern collection of recipes crafted with love and simplicity.

Each dish includes a cherished memory, adding a personal touch to your culinary journey.

Whether you're a seasoned chef or a beginner, this book offers something for everyone, blending traditional flavors with fresh, contemporary ideas.

Perfect for those seeking to explore diverse and delicious cuisines.

Date of Print: July 2024.
Weight: 1 Kg.
Book: Forever Beirut, by Barbara Massaad, 2022
Brand: N/A
"Forever Beirut" Recipes and Stories from the Heart of Lebanon, is the new cookbook by bestselling author Barbara Massaad. Launched to support the Lebanese Food Bank and help families in dire need of food after the devastating blast and ensuing economic collapse.

Forever Beirut is a collection of 100 easy-to-prepare recipes that celebrate Beirut’s rich culinary heritage, its resilience, and healing power. It is Barbara’s way of honoring the city of her childhood, her dreams, her Lebanese family kitchen, and the food that roots her.

It is filled with stories and anecdotes about the customs, food, people, and traditions, with sections for soups, salads, breads and savory pastries, mezze, kibbeh, grilling, main dishes, pickles and preserves, and sweets.

Foreword by: Chef José Andrés).

256 pages. Published: Summer 2022.
Weight: 1.6 Kgs.
Book: Gourmet Table by Viviane Nasr Zoghbi
Brand: N/A
$30  $26
In this book, you will find everything you need for inviting family and friends at your table: Appetizers, starters, main courses, desserts and drinks. Simple and creative recipes impeccably tested that always work for all your invitations at any time. A first book of easy-to-cook recipes, fast, delicious and accessible to all!

I reveal to you my secrets and give you my best personalized tips for successful meals and desserts. The book consists of 15 menus and 150 recipes and is divided into four seasons. Each season offers 3 menus: brunch, lunch and dinner, based on the season's bounty. For all your occasions and celebrations from Christmas Eve to an afternoon tea gathering to your child's party, the most impressive recipes become easy and fast to cook!

Traditional lebanese recipes as well as a combination of International food. From the fattouch, hommos, moutabbal, quinoa salad,Greek salad, exotic salad, passing through the quiche Lorraine, salmon quiche, spinach quiche ending with the siyadieh, Kebbe bisayniyeh, leg of lamb, paella and much more. As for desserts, starting by simple every day cakes to the most sophisticated cakes like angel food cake, cheesecake passing through Christmas log and specifically the delicious Lebanese Knefe. Recipes that used to seem very difficult or complicated, take the form of simple recipes accessible to everyone.

300 pages. Date of Print: November 2016.
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: Histoire Illustrée du Liban, by Nayla De Freige, Maya Saad
Brand: N/A
Tout au long des siècles, une bande de terre donnant sur la Méditerranée orientale, avec ses montagnes et ses plaines attire les Empires et abrite les minorités.

Dans sa première version, publiée en 1987, Histoire Illustrée du Liban decrivait la periode allant cde l'âge de pierre au début de la guerre civile en 1975.

Cette nouvelle édition poursuit le récit jusqu'en 2008. Elle s'articule autour d'une trame chronologique qui replace les événements-repères et les dates-clés, illustrés avec détails, couleur et humour.

Language: French
Format22 x 28 cm, 72 pages
Publication Date: January 2022
Weight: 1 Kg.
Book: Humor Bundle of 4
Brand: Turning Point
$50  $45
This bundle of four humor titles will get you, your friends and family laughing out loud. Enjoy humorous anecdotes on family relations, history and crazy tales about food and drinks in Bet You Didn’t Know This About Beirut.

Take a closer look at Lebanon, a small country with big flavor; in You know you’re Lebanese when… with its humorous and light-hearted (bilingual Arabic, English) insight into the wonderful world of Lebanese and their rule-breaking tendencies and enormous egos.

In The Abou Abed Joke Book 2, Abou Abed, with his famous tarbouche and moustache delights us with his escapades. He spends his time in a Beirut coffee shop with his friend Abou Steif, where they tell each other far-fetched stories over endless cups of tea.

Witness Em Abed as she rises to stardom, turning the tables on the legacy of Abou Abed in Em Abed’s Revenge. With a compilation of thirty side-splitting jokes, this time, Em Abed is the starlet and most of the time Abou Abed is the punch line – or the punching bag!
Weight: 1.2 Kgs.
Book: I ll Love You from Afar (for Children)
Brand: Luqoom
Written by Racha Mourtada; Illustrated by Sasha Haddad

We all feel like we’ve missed out on our fair share of hugs and physical affection this year because of the coronavirus.

'I’ll Love You from Afar' is an ode to all the wonderful and imaginative ways we can still love each other while we’re apart–like using singing whales and writing notes in the stars!

With whimsical illustrations and rhyming text, this children's book is a sweet reminder for people of all ages that we can love each other no matter how near or far.

Ages: 5+

Format: 26 x 26 cm, 32 pages. English

Release Date: October 15, 2020
Weight: 0.5 Kgs.
Book: L’Académie Française raconte le Liban, by Hyam Mallat - Livre
New Release
Brand: N/A
Cet ouvrage de Hyam Mallat rappelle la relation culturelle des écrivains de
l’Académie française avec le Liban de 1665 à 2024.

Au cours de son histoire, le pays du Cèdre a interpelé et suscité l’intérêt et la curiosité d’académiciens français dont certains comptent
au nombre des plus éminents de leur époque.

Et ceux-ci ont témoigné dans leurs écrits et leurs interventions de la
spécificité de cette terre avec ses nombreuses communautés
religieuses, véritables familles spirituelles exigeant l’instauration
d’institutions politiques originales pour un exercice équilibré et
salutaire du pouvoir.

Cet ouvrage met en lumière, identifie et rappelle le témoignage de l’Académie française envers ce pays qui a assimilé depuis des siècles l’apport et la contribution de
la culture française à ses institutions publiques et privées et qui
est aujourd’hui un acteur engagé dans la francophonie.

C’est également le témoignage rendu à cette osmose instaurée
au cours des siècles entre la France et le Liban conduisant à
une affinité qui est un privilège de l’histoire politique et culturelle du Liban.

Publication: Août 2024.
Weight: 0.75 Kgs.
Book: La Cuisine Libanaise du Terroir by Cherine Yazbeck
Brand: N/A
Ce livre est une immersion dans le terroir Libanais sous forme de road movie culinaire. Il part à la rencontre des femmes et des hommes qui ont contribué à l'enrichissement de la gastronomie du Liban. Plus de 200 recettes du terroir dont certaines étaient jusqu'à présent méconnues ainsi que les grands classiques de la cuisine libanaise comme le mezzé.

Date de Publication: 2013.
Weight: 1 Kg.
Book: La Cuisine Libanaise Familiale, Nouhad Asseily
Brand: N/A
Par Nouhad Asseily.

250 recettes libanaises simples et succulentes destinées aussi bien pour les jeunes novices que pour les connaisseurs nostalgiques des saveurs d'antan.

350 pages. Septembre 2015.
Weight: 1.9 Kgs.
Book: La Cuisine Végétarienne Levantine, by Salma Hage, Livre
New Release
Brand: N/A
Après La Cuisine libanaise, Salma revient avec un hommage à une cuisine végétarienne audacieuse!

140 recettes facile à préparer, ensoleillées, aromatiques et aussi colorés que délicieuses. Du classique falafel à des plats plus originaux, reflets des particularités régionales, des pratiques religieuses et de la culture du Moyen-Orient. De quoi se donner l’eau à la bouche!

Venez admirez les belles photographies représentatives d’une cuisine généreuse et conviviale dans la tradition du partage de la table moyen-orientale.

Date of Publication: March 2024.
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: La Derniere Seance, by Antoine Kabbabe, المشهد الأخير, Livre
Brand: N/A
La Dernière Séance (المشهد الأخير) retrace l'histoire des salles de cinéma dans 65 régions Libanaises depuis 1900.

Ce livre contient 800 photos et 110 illustrations en couleur et 75 affiches, de 225 salles de cinéma.

440 pages, French and Arabic, 31 X 23 x 3 cm. Date of publication: July 2022.
Weight: 2.6 Kgs.
Book: Laure Ghorayeb: Black on White
Brand: Kaph
Texts by Venetia Porter, Dr Maha Azizé Sultan and a conversation with Mazen Kerbage

Laure Ghorayeb is a self-taught Lebanese artist born in 1931 in the village of Deir al-Qamar.

She first started out as a cultural journalist/critic and a poet and has worked at several magazines
including Shi’r, L’Orient, Le Jour and Annahar.

Currently known for her intricate and detailed ink drawings, Ghorayeb’s work represents chronicles of
her life as well as events and people that have had an impact on her such as the Lebanese civil wars and members of her family.

This publication looks back on her transition from writer to painter. “Laure Ghorayeb: Black on White” is the second publication in the Saradar Collection x Kaph Books series and includes texts by Venetia Porter and Dr. Maha Azizé Sultan as well as a conversation between the artist and her son Mazen Kerbage.

Format: 21 cm x 27 cm, 236 pages, English / Arabic

Published: December 2019
Weight: 1.25 Kgs.
Book: Le Grand Livre de la Cuisine Moyen-Orientale (Collectif)
Brand: N/A
Le livre de référence de la cuisine moyen-orientale ! 12 pays et plus de 180 recettes généreuses et authentiques: apéro et entrées, soupes, viandes, riz, légumes, féculents et desserts. Des infos sur l’origine des recettes, des astuces et des variantes.

De très nombreuses photos et des pas à pas pour maîtriser les gestes. Pour devenir un pro de la cuisine du Moyen-Orient, apporter une touche d’exotisme à votre table et varier les plaisirs.

Publication: Janvier 2023.
Weight: 2 Kgs.
Book: Le Pays Envolé. Romans Libanais de l Emigration (1998-2012), by Dima Samaha, Livre
Brand: N/A
L'émigration s'est imposée comme une pratique libanaise à partir de la fin du XIXe siècle. Une littérature vibrante s'est depuis construite hors des frontières du Liban.

Cet essai constitue la première étude comparative de romans publiés en anglais et en français entre 1998 et 2012, par des écrivains libanais ayant pris le chemin de l'exil après le début du conflit civil.

Il questionne les stratégies narratives, la fonction de la parole et les mécanismes mémoriels mobilisés dans l'écriture de l'Histoire, relevant d'un questionnement permanent autour de l'identité et de la filiation.

L'examen de ces romans publiés au lendemain de cette période charnière révèle les innovations formelles produites par une littérature caractérisée par le déplacement.

Date de publication: 26 juillet 2023, 264 pages

Weight: 0.55 Kgs.
Book: Lebanon & On, by Tania Hadjithomas Mehanna
Brand: Tamyras
On a daily basis, Lebanon recognizes itself in the perpetuation of the inherited gestures of our collective culture.

From zajal to saj bread, the dabke to blown glass, barmet el arouss to the service taxi, the sherwal to kishk, Lebanese traditions, whether religious, culinary, related to craft, family or society, accompany the Lebanese here and elsewhere on and on.

This book traces the roots and explores the growth of some of these customs that live on and on.

22 x 28 cm, 224 pages. Bilingual: English, French.
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: Lebanon: Beauty Beyond Belief by Jamal Saidi
Brand: Turning Point
Uncover the compelling beauty of Lebanon’s breathtaking natural landscapes, cherished traditions and vibrant lifestyle through this generous coffee table book.

A powerful visual and textual memento of our Mediterranean nation, seated at the crossroads of Africa, the Middle East and Europe, through the lens of renowned photographer Jamal Saidi.

28.5 x 24 cm, 152 pages, English. Date of Print: December 2012.
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: Levantine Harvest by Lara Ariss
Brand: Rawiya Editions
$47  $43
Extensive research led Lara Ariss to decide on the Levantine cuisine as the topic of her first cookbook. The choice was rather obvious given Lara’s Lebanese roots and her appreciation for fresh fruits and harvest, and the balanced food that abound in the Levantine cuisine.

The topic of Levantine Cuisine being wide,
Lara chose to tackle it from a specific angle — that of seasons. Furthermore, Lara’s extensive study of
Levantine recipes led her to realize that recipes are written in complex steps and language that need an
update that speaks to the modern lifestyle.

Hence, in addition to the seasons, Lara decided on simplicity:

-'Hummus With Sun-Dried Tomato Confit: Hummus bi Tahini is probably the best-known Middle
Eastern mezze staple, a creation of Levantine and Egyptian Arabs. In this recipe, I have moved away from the traditional Lebanese topping — fried chopped or minced lamb meat with pine nuts and olive oil — to
an equally delicious, vegetarian friendly-version.'
(P. 72).

-'Pumpkin Kebbeh: This popular vegan version of kebbeh, which does away with fresh minced lamb,
was initially created for lent. In the past, preparing kebbeh was a laborious process that involved pounding the main ingredient, usually the meat, and the burghul (cracked wheat) in a mortar and pestle.' (P. 132).

208 pages. Published in 2016.

Also by this author:
- Sweet Levantine
Weight: 1.25 Kgs.
Book: LIBAN une histoire de cuisine familiale d'amour et de partage, by Tara Khattar
Brand: N/A
Celui qui a goûté la cuisine « maison » du Liban n’en oublie jamais le goût.

Tara Khattar, jeune cheffe libanaise talentueuse, qui vit aux États-Unis et qui a gagné l’émission américaine Chopped après avoir participé à Top Chef, en France vous invite aujourd’hui à entrer dans son intimité culinaire pour partager avec vous les saveurs si particulières d’une cuisine familiale et authentique.

Chacune des 100 RECETTES de ce livre est un hommage rendu à l’héritage que ses grands-mères lui ont légué en cuisine.

Elle a tout appris de leurs mains et elle tente, avec succès, de transmettre ce bonheur qu’elle ressent à chaque recette réalisée. Pour que chacun puisse se sentir chez soi dans n’importe quelle cuisine.

20 x 25.7 cm, 288 pages. Français. Published: 2021
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: Manger Juste by Sabine Mazloum
Brand: N/A
85 recettes pour rester en bonne santé grâce à des ingrédients à la portée de chacun Mon corps est la seule chose qui m'appartienne depuis ma naissance jusqu'à mon dernier jour, alors j'en prends soin.

Ce credo de Sabine Mazloum pourrait - et devrait même - s'appliquer à chacun(e) d'entre nous. Pour venir à bout des soucis de santé qui lui gâchaient la vie, Sabine a changé son alimentation.

Manger juste, c'est-à-dire simplement, mais sans renoncer à la gourmandise, lui a permis de retrouver la santé et la joie de vivre.

Sans être nutritionniste ni diététicienne, elle s'est intéressée aux aliments que la nature a mis à notre disposition : légumes, fruits, herbes, graines... Et elle a découvert un trésor que beaucoup méconnaissent. Sait-on que le piment de Cayenne est un aliment anti-reflux? Qu'il suffit d'une pincée de poivre noir pour démultiplier les bienfaits du curcuma?

A travers des recettes aux accents méditerranéens, découvrez 180 ingrédients naturels dont 16 magiques - ail, avocat, gingembre, citron, huile d'olive, entre autres - qui, une fois adoptés, aident à garder la santé ou à soigner les petits bobos.

Passionnée de cuisine, Sabine Mazloum est mère de trois enfants, mais aussi une femme d'affaires qui doit jongler entre ses différentes casquettes, ce qu'elle fait avec aisance et astuce. Un exemple à suivre pour toutes celles qui veulent concilier le bien-manger et la vie active.

20.5 cm x 27 cm x 2.5 cm, French. Publication Date: March 2018
Weight: 1 Kg.
Book: Manoushe: Au Coeur Du Traditionnel Four À Pain Libanais, by Barbara Massaad
Brand: N/A
Barbara Abdeni Massaad's first publication Man'oushé is a journey to discover Lebanon’s favorite snack.

As every true Lebanese knows, the man'oushé has a reserved place on the country's breakfast table. But every true Lebanese also knows that this cherished national pie has the ability to be worked into every meal of the day due to its unique simple versatility.

The author introduces the first cookbook dedicated entirely to the art of creating the perfect man'oushé. With over 70 original recipes, Barbara offers you a way to enjoy these typical pies, traditionally baked in street corner bakeries, in the comfort of your own home.

One only has to flip through the pages in order to realize that this typical Lebanese creation can be as simple as an on-the-go breakfast and as intricate as a family meal.

23 x 29 cm, 200 pages, hard cover.

N.B: The book is currently only available in FRENCH.

Other recipe cookbooks by author:
- Mezze a Labor of Love

- Mouneh: Preserving Foods for the Lebanese Pantry (Re-edited).
Weight: 1.66 Kgs.
Book: Mémoires d écureuil, by Lamia Charlebois
Brand: Les Editions Noir sur Blanc
Mémoires d’écureuil is Lamia Charlebois’s (Ghantous) first book. Lamia is a Public Relations Consultant, journalist, speaker and former CBC radio commentator.

Mémoires d’écureuil is a series of thoughts in “frenglisharabic” that change according to the news, the weather, different moods, and funny observations by the author.

Overuse of vowels and punctuation marks, grammar rules violation in three languages, a keen penchant for squirrels and a weak spot for vodka, the author turns into the Dalai Lamia, Lamiartine, Lamiv Montemps, Hatcheprout or Édith Piouf, while taking us to Canada, Lebanon and everywhere else in a joyous whirlwind of love and humor.

21 x 12 cm, 165 pages.
Language: mostly French.
Weight: 0.33 Kgs.
Book: Mezze A Labor of Love, by Barbara Massaad
Brand: N/A
$35  $27
A book dedicated to our traditional Lebanese mezze. Barbara Massaad after her books 'Man’oushe' and 'Mouneh' continues her quest to discover and preserve our Lebanese culinary heritage.

Together with artist Pascale Hares, they create a new portrayal of food culture and identity filled with beautiful illustrations.

A true labor for both, the book Mezze: A Labor of Love promises to be a successful artsy coffee table book while remaining true to be a very informative cookbook.

19.5 x 24.5 cm, 200 pages. Date of Print: Nov 2013.

Also by this author:
- Man'oushe: Inside the Street Corner Bakery
- Mouneh: Preserving Foods for the Lebanese Pantry (Re-edited).
Weight: 1.25 Kgs.
Book: Mini Recettes Culte, Manger Libanais, by Kamal Mouzawak
Brand: N/A
Une présentation de la cuisine libanaise à travers des recettes du quotidien et des focus techniques pour ne pas les rater.

15 cm x 19 cm x 3 cm, 255 pages. French. Publication Date: November 2021.
Weight: 0.8 Kgs.
Book: Mouneh: Preserving Foods for the Lebanese Pantry, by Barbara Massaad
Brand: N/A
Barbara Massaad's second book, 'Mouneh: Preserving Foods for the Lebanese Pantry' (Re-edited) is a comprehensive study of traditional Lebanese food preserving methods derived from recipes produced all around Lebanon - an important aspect of Lebanese culinary heritage.

Divided into 4 seasons and consequently into 12 months, this Lebanese cookbook allows readers to seasonally produce sweet preserves, pickles, cheeses, distilled items and dried goods derived from vegetables, fruit, herbs, flowers and animal products.

Hundreds of recipes are included with lustrous photography and captivating stories—dealing with farmers and food producers.

19.5 x 24.5 cm, 592 pages. Original Date of Print: Nov 2010. Re-edited: 2018.

Also by this author:
- Manoushe: Inside the Street Corner Bakery
- Mezze a Labor of Love
Weight: 2.1 Kgs.
Book: My Sweet Book, by Maya Nahoul
Brand: Rawiya Editions
'Light desserts made easy'.

This book by Maya Nahoul has a variety of dessert ranging from oriental to western to having a combination and fusion of ingredients suitable for each person's taste and likings.

It also offers few smoothie recipes as well as vegan and gluten free recipes for persons with food intolerances.

Recipes featured: Knefeh, Sfouf bi Debs, Rice Pudding, Chocolate Mousse, and many others.

Language: English / Arabic

Format: 24 x 20 cm, 216 pages

Published: September 2019
Weight: 0.75 Kgs.
Book: Of Whispers and Winds by Leila Amad Bissat
Brand: N/A
In her second book, travel writer Leila Amad Bissat, recounts her adventures in the Far East and Southeast Asia. She tells the stories behind souvenirs she collected on her trips and describes the region through her own eyes. In this very personal account of her travels, the vivid descriptions of objects, places, people and rituals, bring to life the people she met, the cultures she encountered and the places she visited.

21 x 26 cm, 281 pages, English. Date of Publication: Feb 2016
Weight: 1 Kg.
Book: On Photography in Lebanon: Stories and Essay
Brand: Kaph
Edited by Clémence Cottard Hachem and Nour Salamé

With 40 contributors, including: Walid Sadek, Yasmine Chemali, Jacques Aswad, Fouad ElKoury, Christine Khouri, Gregory Buchakjian, François Cheval, Oliver Rohe, Bernard Khoury, Vartan Avakian, Ghada Waked, Lévon Nordikian,… The approach of this publication is both alternative and transversal.

With the collection of possible essays, it proposes - in order to better question it - a wide arborescence on the evolution of photographic attitudes in Lebanon since the arrival of its first photographic explorers until its recent artistic usages and practices.

On Photography in Lebanon is a book in which forty contributors share their perspectives on photography in Lebanon, evoking its equally numerous forms of existence.

Examining techniques, practices, uses, objects, images, histories, and artistic approaches, this publication presents 380 photographs produced between the end of the 19th century and the present day.

Format: 24 cm x 29 cm, 384 pages, English

Published: October 2018

(Also available in French)
Weight: 2.5 Kgs.
Book: One Flew Over the Cuckoos, by Elio Sassine
Brand: Rawiya Editions
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Land - Le Liban à vol d'oiseau.

One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s land présente des photographies aériennes du Liban prises par drone et qui donnent à voir une diversité étonnante de paysages sous des aspects peu connus.

A travers cet ouvrage, le lecteur découvre un pays « autre », éloigné des clichés véhiculés par les photos de guerre ou de vacances, dont la richesse se trouve
dans une rencontre souvent décalée entre une nature sauvage, une urbanisation galopante, des ruines livrées à elles-mêmes.

En ressortent des images atypiques, des géométries variables, des villes, des villages, des ports,
des vallées, des montagnes, méconnaissables. Au-delà de la valeur artistique de ces photos, certaines primées internationalement, c‘est avant tout un regard curieux, amoureux, aventurier pour un pays qui ne cesse d’étonner et de se dévoiler nouveau avec chaque cliché, que le lecteur découvrira.

Le livre de Elio Sassine cache également un autre engagement, toujours pour le Liban : celui de venir en aide aux enfants touchés par la guerre.

Format: 28,5 cm x 24 cm, 208 pages.
Language: French / English
Published: November 2018
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: Photographs 1842-1896: An Early Album of the World
Brand: Kaph
Co-edition with Louvre Abu Dhabi and Musée du Quai Branly

The catalogue is both a reflection of the exhibition and a publication that acts as a reference, with its assessment of the questions and thinking that arise from the research carried out for this project.

It is not encyclopedic on the subject of the first photography practices in the world, however it provides a certain number of historical and technical elements, which gives an understanding of the geopolitical circumstances in which photography was introduced then practiced in the different geographic areas of the world.

This publication puts forward a global and documented
vision of the practice of photography in the first decades of the medium, highlighting the key elements and chronological boundaries of the appropriation of photography outside of Europe.

The publication also aims to present the work of local photographers and studios, in showing certain “original images” made in a particular region, while also outlining the role played by governments in power in the development and appropriation of
this modern medium on a local scale.

The publication is made up of an essay by the curator introducing the intention of the exhibition and the main lines of thought, two essays by specialists of Asian and Middle Eastern photography, and a translation of Emir Abdelkader selection of texts on photography with commentary.

This publication gives prominence to the works,
coming mainly from the Musée du Quai Branly collection, and also the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, and the Musée Guimet.

The quality of the approximate 100 reproductions reveal the diversity of photographic objects presented in the exhibition (daguerreotypes,
prints, albums, negatives).

It also includes bibliographic entries of the
photographers represented in the exhibition, entries for works of the exhibition, and a geo-historical chronology.

Format: 24 cm x 28.5 cm, 192 pages, 94 photographs and reproductions (colored and black & white), English

Published: April 2019

(Also available in French and Arabic)
Weight: 1.35 Kgs.
Book: Raw With Love by Malak El Halabi
Brand: Turning Point
Raw with Love is a collection of poetry and prose about the bermuda triangle of lust, love and loss.

The book is divided into three chapters, with each chapter being both a knife and an open wound.

Raw with Love takes its readers through a journey that brings them back to their first untamed cry.

Format: 80 pages, 14 cm x 21 cm, English

Published: April 2020.
Weight: 0.25 Kgs.
Book: Recettes de Vie 2 (en Francais)
Brand: N/A
Tous les bénéfices de Recettes de Vie 2 seront distribués à des associations caritatives venant en aide aux femmes et aux enfants.

Après le succès de la première édition de Recettes de Vie parue en 2008, Maissa Abou Adal Ghanem et Ghia Khayat Hawari ont été encouragées par leurs familles et leurs amis à poursuivre cette aventure qui a touché des milliers de personnes, et à écrire un nouveau chapitre, Recettes de Vie 2.

Les auteurs offrent à leurs lecteurs un recueil de plus de 200 recettes délicieuses et originales de cuisines variées, empreintes d’émotion. Leurs familles et amis ont partagé leurs secrets culinaires, transmis de génération en génération, ainsi que l’histoire de leurs recettes et leurs petites astuces, ce qui rend ce livre unique.

Alliant les plaisirs de la table avec la découverte de l’histoire de chaque recette, ce livre est un parfait moyen de rassemblement familial.

504 pages en couleurs et couverture rigide. Date d'impression: 2014.

Also available in English
Recettes de Vie 2 (English Version)
Weight: 2.5 Kgs.
Book: Recettes de Vie 2 (English Edition)
Brand: N/A
A beautiful compilation of carefully picked family recipes from various cuisines, with 100% donation to NGO charities.
Culinary treasures. Humanitarian benefits.

Recettes de Vie 2 is a labor of love, a beautiful cookbook of treasure family recipes compiled by two Lebanese childhood friends with strong culinary memories. This is celebrated authors Maissa Abou Adal Ghanem and Ghia Khayat Hawari second book, following the success of the first edition, published in 2008. The collection of personalized recipes are presented by friends and family sharing culinary secrets and tips from their own kitchen.

This is not just a literary venture; it’s also a humanitarian one. 100% of all proceeds will be going to select charitable organizations in Lebanon and in the Middle East to support women and children in education, healthcare and abuse. With the support of prominent sponsors and distributors, along with strong book sales, the first volume enabled them to donate more than US$100,000 to charity where they work very closely with the groups for the highest impact donating.

Hard cover, 504 pages. Date of Print: 2014.

Also available in French
Recettes de Vie 2 (En Français)
Weight: 2.5 Kgs.
Book: Room for Me and You,  by Racha Mourtada (for Children)
Brand: Luqoom
Illustrated by Sasha Haddad.

Once upon a pandemic, the animals came out to play while we humans were away, including three goats that–frankly–think it’s much nicer when we’re not around. Yes, we’re not good at sharing this beautiful planet we call home, but surely we can find ways to make it an inviting place for everyone?

'Room for Me and You' was inspired by the true stories and amazing sightings of animals taking over cities during the 2020 lockdown. It encourages kids (and grownups!) to be more considerate towards all creatures on this wonderful Earth.

Ages: 5+

Format: 26 x 26 cm, 32 pages. Hardcover with gold foil

Release Date: June 11, 2022
Weight: 0.6 Kgs.
Book: Saveurs Libanaises, by Maalouf, Haidar
Brand: N/A
Par Andrée Maalouf et Karim Haidar.

Après le succès de Cuisine libanaise d'hier et d'aujourd'hui, qui s'est imposé comme la nouvelle référence pour tous les amoureux d'une cuisine libanaise de tradition aux accents de modernité, Andrée Maalouf et Karim Haïdar proposent de nouvelles recettes classiques mais aussi réinventées, comme le houmous où une partie du jus de citron est remplacée par de l'eau de fleur d'oranger.

Des recettes traditionnelles, parfois modernisées ou transformées avec créativité.

21.5 cm x 27,2 cm, 176 pages. Septembre 2015.
Weight: 1.25 Kgs.
Book: Spelorient, Houet Qattine Azar, by Hala Zein - Livre
New Release
Brand: Association Libanaise D'études Spéléologiques
27 ans, la plupart des week-ends, on ne voyait que la corde qui nous rattachait au ventre de Houet Qattîne Azar.

C’est là où l’on a appris la technique… on a progressé sans arrêt… on a affronté plusieurs épreuves pénibles… on a franchi les obstacles grâce à notre obstination… on a triomphé de la fatigue…on a dominé la peur… on a accepté la perte impromptue de nos amis… on a su comment immortaliser leur mémoire dans notre vie…

Houet Qattîne Azar est un abîme unique en son genre. Plusieurs générations l’ont fréquenté ; plusieurs hypothèses ont été lancées; plusieurs expériences ont été appliquées. C’est un beau gouffre; dans ses ténèbres surgit une mystérieuse beauté.

C’est un magnifique site d’entraînement qui offre l’opportunité de vivre un moment hors du commun, coupé de la routine. Cet abîme ouvre la voie à un grand potentiel et à de nouvelles aventures.

Pour nous spéléologues, le désir de satisfaire notre volonté d’explorer sans cesse les coins les plus reculés est extrêmement fort. Pour ceux qui n’ont pas la latitude d’exercer cette activité nous leur proposons dans cette revue, une visite guidée par le texte et illustrée par les photos et les plans.

Publishing Date: January 2024
Weight: 1.8 Kgs.
Book: Station Zouk, by Therese Khabsa - Livre
New Release
Brand: N/A
Dans Station Zouk, le lecteur va naviguer dans une atmosphère où l’Orient et l’Occident s’entremêlent harmonieusement pour raconter un roman qui commence en 1830, sous le règne de Bachir II, et qui se termine en 2020, à l’explosion du port de Beyrouth.

Ce livre est un roman autobiographique d’Antoun, le grand-père de l’auteure. Il raconte l’histoire d’un pays et d’une saga familiale.
Station Zouk nous fait découvrir un Liban du xixe siècle où Beyrouth n’était encore qu’une ville portuaire avec ses souks, ses khans et ses caravansérails…

L’on suivra en Égypte, toubib Sélim, l’on fera la connaissance du Dr Clot qui fut le fondateur de la plus grande école de médecine du Moyen-Orient.
Notre héros, Antoun, fils de Sélim, aventurier dans l’âme, nous embarque avec lui sur le bateau vapeur en direction de Marseille puis de Paris.

L’on visitera avec lui le Paris des artistes, celui de Montmartre, du café Guerbois, du Moulin-Rouge et de Toulouse-Lautrec. L’on visitera l’exposition universelle de 1900.

1895, au Liban, date où le premier train est né. Il relie Beyrouth, Damas, Alep et passe par la Station Zouk. Ce fut une première au Moyen-Orient. Il fut désaffecté en 1975.

Au Liban, les disputes et les guerres battent leur plein, c’est l’invasion des ottomans, la guerre entre les druzes et les chrétiens, etc.

Puis la seconde guerre mondiale éclate…

Published: February 2024.
Weight: 0.5 Kgs.
Book: Sweet Levantine by Lara Ariss
Brand: Rawiya Editions
There is an unbeatable thrill to be found in baking, and with Sweet Levantine, her second cookbook, Lara Ariss explores the joy of creating sweet treats – something that has fascinated her since she was a child on visits to the old souk of Saida in Lebanon.

Sweet Levantine continues down the path taken in Lara’s previous Levantine Harvest with a further celebration of freshly harvested local ingredients and clever medleys of flavor.

Whether the desire is a plate of cookies to offer friends over coffee, a comforting pudding to round off an evening meal, or an elegant centerpiece to mark a significant life event, this selection of recipes will satisfy the need of any sweet tooth, and will give a sense of accomplishment and confidence to bakers of all levels of experience.

20 x 28 cm, 252 pages. Published: November 2018.

Also by this author:
- Levantine Harvest
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: Swingers Clingers Arabic (for Children)
Brand: Luqoom
.حيوانات تسبح وتمرح وتتأرجح

Written by Racha Mourtada; Illustrated by Elia Tawil

هل سبقَ لكم أن تساءلتُم كيف يتأرجحُ القردُ عبرَ الأشجار، أو كيف يتعلّق أبو بريص رأساً على عقبٍ بأوراقِ الشجر؟

يكشفُ الكتاب الطرقَ الرائعة التي تنتقلُ بها الحيواناتُ، من الليمور القافز إلى السلطعون الزاحف وغيرهما .برسومِه الحيويّة وتفسيراتِه البسيطةِ للحركةِ الحيوانيّة، سيُسعِدُ هذا الكتاب عشّاقَ الحيواناتِ من جميعِ الأعمار

Ages: 7+

Format: 24 x 24 cm, 64 pages. Arabic

Release Date: January, 2020

Also available in English
Weight: 0.5 Kgs.
Book: Swingers Clingers and Other . (for Children)
Brand: Luqoom
Swingers, Clingers and Other Amazing Animals in Motion.

Written by Racha Mourtada; Illustrated by Elia Tawil

Have you ever wondered how a monkey swings through the trees, or how a gecko can cling upside down to a leaf?

‘Swingers, Clingers and Other Amazing Animals in Motion’ explores the wonderful ways animals move, from leaping lemurs to crawling crabs and more! With lush illustrations and simple explanations of animal locomotion, this book will delight animal enthusiasts of all ages.

Ages: 7+

Format: 24 x 24 cm, 64 pages. English

Release Date: January, 2020

Also available in Arabic
Weight: 0.5 Kgs.
Book: Teta s Wisdom, by Hiba Chaarani.
Brand: Turning Point
Recipes by Anissa Helou.

Teta’s Wisdom is a pocket-sized book filled with colorful illustrations and bilingual content that gives you a glimpse into teta’s world of sayings, traditional recipes, and valuable tips for maintaining cleanliness and wellbeing.

14 x 14 cm, 64 pages. Release Date: July 2010.
Weight: 0.14 Kgs.
Book: The Middle Eastern Vegetarian Cookbook, by Salma Hage
Brand: N/A
A collection of vegetarian dishes influenced by Middle Eastern flavors from Salma Hage, author of the bestselling classic, The Lebanese Kitchen, also published by Phaidon.

A definitive, fresh and approachable collection of 150 traditional recipes from an authoritative voice on Middle Eastern home cooking, Salma Hage’s new book is in line with the current Western trends of consciously reducing meat, and the ancient Middle Eastern culture of largely vegetarian, mezze style dining.

Traditionally, the Middle Eastern diet consisted largely of vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices, pulses, grains and legumes. Salma simplifies this fast becoming popular cuisine with easily achievable recipes, many with vegan and gluten-free options.

Drawing inspiration from ancient and prized Phoenician ingredients, from grassy olive oil to fresh figs and rich dates, this book offers an array of delicious breakfasts and drinks, mezze and salads, vegetables and pulses, grains and desserts. Salma shows how to easily make the most of familiar everyday fruits and legumes, as well as more exotic ingredients now widely available outside of the Middle East, with nourishing recipes so flavourful and satisfying they are suitable for vegetarians and meat-eaters alike.

272 pages. Date of Print: 2016.
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: The Rural Taste of Lebanon by Cherine Yazbek
Brand: N/A
The book is a cultural and a gastronomic delight. It maintains the authentic flavor of the Middle East with precise recipes that suit Western lifestyles and kitchens. It is a valuable guide to the incredible diversity of Lebanese cookery. Over 200 recipes include little-know farmers’ recipes as well as classics from the Lebanese kitchen.

Published in 2013.
Weight: 1 Kg.
Book: The Trails of Bkerzay, by Ramzi Salman
Brand: N/A
"The Trails of Bkerzay, in pursuit of the Levantine charm".

A kid released on the pathways of life clears all obstacles on his way. He is a carefree teenager who is nonetheless attentive to his surroundings. He is a man pampered by fate, at times and at other times battered by it. He is a citizen appalled by his country’s destiny. He is a big child driven by the need to act. Feelings, music, friendships and love come together in these pages to converge on a place bearing dreams and reminiscences: Bkerzay.

Date of Publication: August 2022
Weight: 1.9 Kgs.
Book: Trust Your Journey By Sana AlBuainain
Brand: N/A
Trust Your Journey is a collection of thought provoking daily inspirations, guiding you to connect with your soul’s purpose, to live the best version of yourself and to better understand your mind, body, and heart connection. The perceptive messages are grouped within six chapters; Letting Go, Beginning, Dreaming, Connecting, Loving and Becoming. Each inspiration is followed by self-connecting questions that can be practiced in your day-to-day life.

Written by Dr. Sana Albuainian, whose life philosophy gained through many years of professional and personal challenges and growth, meshes principles of self-development, spirituality, and mindfulness. Her inspiring words encourage you to reach for your dreams, to discover your true calling, to trust your intuition, and to follow an authentic and fulfilling life journey.

Whatever your role, your pathway in life, or your personal philosophy, Trust Your Journey, challenges you to look deep within yourself and uncover the transformative power of soul alignment.

180 pages. Date of Release: April 2021.
Weight: 0.5 Kgs.
Book: Unjunk, How to Raise ... by Bernadette Abraham
Brand: Turning Point
"Unjunk, how to raise healthy eaters in a processed world".

In a world where the food industry values profit over public health, parents face a tremendous challenge raising healthy eaters. Driven by the continual temptation to consume junk food and sugar, it’s no wonder society is facing a health crisis. Thankfully, there are rational voices trying to turn the tide. UNJUNK: How to Raise Healthy Eaters in a Processed World is a catalyst for change and a go-to resource for parents wanting to empower themselves and their children to make healthier food choices.

Health advocate, practitioner, and social media influencer Bernadette Abraham, educates the reader on the food industry, and explains which foods to avoid, which to encourage, and how to transition to healthier eating. Her practical approach, with feeding strategies and budget in mind, recipes, and even puzzles and games for children, offers a comprehensive and entertaining platform for change.

She provides guidance on how to UNJUNK your kitchen, buy, and prepare the most balanced health-giving foods, acknowledging the inevitable resistance these changes summon. Complete with proven strategies on how to overcome negative outside influences and make a collective difference, her debut book helps you break free from society’s afflicted food culture and gives you the confidence to transform your family’s nutrition and overall health.

Published: December 2022.
Weight: 0.66 Kgs.
Book: Vivre l'Orient by Désirée Sadek, Livre
Brand: N/A
Un voyage à la découverte de l'architecture, du design et de l'art de vivre oriental du Liban au Qatar en passant par la Syrie, la Jordanie et le Maroc.

De luxueuses demeures y associent les traditions locales et la décoration occidentale pour créer un style unique.

Published: Nov 2021.
Weight: 2 Kgs.
Book: Wander Beirut by Lynn Soubra, Guidebook
Brand: Turning Point
Illustrated and Designed by Yasmine Darwiche.

What to drink, eat, visit and shop.

Beirut is, undoubtedly, one of the most talked about cities in the world. It continuously births vivid stories that become the subject of worldwide discussion.

From the tumultuous Civil War era and political discordances that shape its legacy, to the more recent triumphant cultural expressions led by talented thinkers and artists, the small city of Beirut is a tireless creator of far-reaching anecdotes that demand to be examined and explored.

Lynn and Yasmine, two locals and dear friends, joined forces to co-create this guidebook, a product of their mutual appreciation and love for the capital.

Format: Paperback, 224 pages, 14 x 21 cm

Published: May 2019
Weight: 0.33 Kgs.
Book: Wetland Birds of Lebanon, by Jaradi, Itani
Brand: N/A
A photographic guide to wetland birds of Lebanon. By Ghassan Ramadan-Jaradi and Fouad Itani

This book is the first photographic bird guide that addresses all the waterbird species observed in the wetlands of Lebanon up to August 2022.

It is designed to help both Lebanese and visiting birdwatchers to identify birds observed in wetlands such as lakes, dams, swamps, marshes and ponds in the country.

It is intended to be a reference to help distinguish between species that may be similar in appearance but are not necessarily closely related.

Published in October 2022. Hard cover.
Weight: 1 Kg.
Book: When I grow up I want to be ...
Brand: Luqoom
... عندما أكبر، أريد أن أكون

By Mona Karaoui. Illustrations by Siwar Kraytem.

هل تحبون استكشاف الكواكب؟ او تصوير الحيوانات البرية؟ أو قيادة فرقة موسيقية؟ 'عندما أكبر، أريد أن أكون...' هو كتاب للقراء الصغار ذوي الطموحات الكبيرة، يأخذكم في رحلة رائعة حول عالم من المهن المشوقة.

22 x 28 cm, Arabic.
Release Date: October 27th, 2018
Weight: 0.5 Kgs.
Books: Bright Lebanese Legends, Bundle, By Saria Hanna Moutran (For Children)
Brand: N/A
In this bundle, your little one will receive three stories in English from the Bright Lebanese Legends collection: Fairouz, Danny Thomas, and Gibran Khalil Gibran.

Bright Lebanese Legends is a collection of stories from Lebanon, a tiny country in the Middle East whose legends dreamt so big and shone so bright, that they made the world a better place.

Ages: 4+. (Ideal 7+)

Format: 28.5 x 23.5 x 3 cm.
Weight: 1.6 Kgs.
Books: Bundle by Fatima Sharafeddine, for Children
Brand: Turning Point
Stories from around the world. Bundle of five traditional stories from China, the Celtic civilization, Greece, Brazil and Japan.

Book 1: ورقة القيقب الحمراء
Book 2: قيثارة الملك
Book 3: حكاية قفص
Book 4: أميرة في صندوق
Book 5: الرجل الذي يجعل أشجار الكرز تزهر

Language: Arabic
Format: 24 cm x 35 cm
Weight: 1 Kg.
Books: Droles de Libanais, Jeddo, Wled, by Walid Kanaan, Walo, Bandes Dessinees
Brand: N/A
2 Bandes Dessinées de Walid Kanaan (Walo).

Drôles de libanais est une bande dessinée qui propose une panoplie d'anecdotes réelles sur des personnages ayant réellement existé à travers trois generations. Toutes ces histoires sont vraies, bel et bien vécues!

Drôles de Libanais, Wled

Drôles de Libanais, Jeddos

Publication: Janvier 2023.
Weight: 1.35 Kgs.
Books: Luqoom English Bundle, by Racha Mourtada (for Children)
Brand: Luqoom
$56  $53

Illustrated by Sasha Haddad.

We all feel like we’ve missed out on our fair share of hugs and physical affection this year because of the coronavirus.

'I’ll Love You from Afar' is an ode to all the wonderful and imaginative ways we can still love each other while we’re apart–like using singing whales and writing notes in the stars!

With whimsical illustrations and rhyming text, this children's book is a sweet reminder for people of all ages that we can love each other no matter how near or far.

Ages: 5+

Format: 26 x 26 cm, 32 pages. English. Hardcover with gold foil

Release Date: October 15, 2020


Illustrated by Elia Tawil.

Have you ever wondered how a monkey swings through the trees, or how a gecko can cling upside down to a leaf?

‘Swingers, Clingers and Other Amazing Animals in Motion’ explores the wonderful ways animals move, from leaping lemurs to crawling crabs and more! With lush illustrations and simple explanations of animal locomotion, this book will delight animal enthusiasts of all ages.

Ages: 7+

Format: 24 x 24 cm, 64 pages. English

Release Date: January 2, 2020. Hardcover with silver foil


Illustrated by Sasha Haddad.

Once upon a pandemic, the animals came out to play while we humans were away, including three goats that–frankly–think it’s much nicer when we’re not around. Yes, we’re not good at sharing this beautiful planet we call home, but surely we can find ways to make it an inviting place for everyone?

'Room for Me and You' was inspired by the true stories and amazing sightings of animals taking over cities during the 2020 lockdown. It encourages kids (and grownups!) to be more considerate towards all creatures on this wonderful Earth.

Ages: 5+

Format: 26 x 26 cm, 32 pages. Hardcover with gold foil

Release Date: June 11, 2022

Weight: 1.6 Kgs.
Books: Vert Méditerranée, Un phare sur la Méditerranée, Tous les enfants .., By Mehanna, Anid
Brand: Tamyras
A bundle of 3 children books in French / Arabic by Tania Hadjithomas Mehanna and Nada Saleh Anid:

Vert Méditerranée

Retrouvez Sami le petit garçon curieux, Médéros, le gardien de phare un peu magicien et Ulysse, le perroquet bavard et explorez en leur compagnie les forêts méditerranéennes aux mille trésors. Oliviers, cèdres, pins parasol, chênes, figuiers, palmiers- dattier, apprenez à connaître les différents arbres de la Méditerranée.

Un phare sur la Méditerranée

Sami, petit garçon méditerranéen, va tous les après- midi rejoindre Médéros, le gardien du phare. Avec Ulysse, un perroquet capricieux, il va explorer les richesses de la mer Méditerranée, poser beaucoup de questions, apprendre des tas de choses et surtout découvrir toute la beauté de cette mer qui nous rassemble.

Tous les enfants ont des droits

Sami se demande pourquoi à la maison, à l’école, il ne se heurte qu’à des interdictions. Médéros lui explique alors que tous les enfants ont des droits et que la Charte des Droits de l’enfant ratifiée par la quasi-totalité des pays de la planète est là pour les défendre.

Weight: 1 Kg.
Bundle: برقوق , أنا الشدّة, أنا النقطة , for Children
Brand: Turning Point
تأليف: ليلى زاهد
رسوم: أنجيلا نربتليان

أخطاء برقوق أصبحت كثيرة، خصوصًا بعد أن أخذ المركبة من دون إذن وتنقّل بها بسرعة في الفضاء وأرعب الجميع. يقرّر والده أن يرسله في مهمّة إلى كوكب فوضاوات وبالتّحديد إلى منطقة على ذوقي على أن يكتشف مهمّته هناك. لا تنفع توسّلات برقوق ووعوده ويضطرّ إلى الانطلاق إلى الكوكب المعروف بأوضاعه الصّعبة. ماذا يكتشف برقوق هناك وماهي مهمّته؟ هَلْ يََنْجَحُ في تَنْفيذِها وَكَيْفَ؟ كتاب يتميّز بنصّ طريف ورسوم جميلة، يضيء على مشكلة رمي النّفايات، ويشجّع على المحافظة على بيئة نظيفة كما يركّز على أهميّة فرز النّفايات وإعادة التّدوير.

أنا الشدّة
تأليف: ليلى زاهد
رسوم: أنجيلا نربتليان

كتاب ضمن السّلسلة يتكلّم عن اهميّة الشدّة في اللغة العربيّة في حين أن الأولاد في سنينهم الدراسيّة الأولى قد ينسون وضع
الشدّة او يعتبرونها غير مهمة. ففي هذه القصّة الشدّة تكون هي الاقوى وتبرز اهمّيّتها عتد الحروف والكلمات أنّها تجعل
الحرف أشدّ وأقوى

أنا النقطة
تأليف: ليلى زاهد
رسوم: أنجيلا نربتليان

كتاب ضمن السلسلة عن النقطة ودورها في اللغة العربية وعن قدرتها على تغيير المعنى بتغيير مكانها أو حذفها. ويميّزه أسلبه
الفكاهي والسلس للأطفال

Weight: 1.25 Kgs.