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Book: كتاب العرض الأخير - سيرة سيلَما طرابلس , by Hady Zaccak
Brand: N/A
عُرفت السينما في الأوساط الشعبيّة الطرابلسيّة باسم "سيلَما" واحتلّت مكانةً مهمّة في حياة المدينة، امتدّت من الثلاثينيّات إلى نهاية القرن العشرين.
يروي هذا الكتاب سيرة صعود وازدهار "سيلَما" فتتكوّن المعابد والطقوس والقصص والأفلام والنجوم وتتشابك السينما مع حياة مدينة عربيّة اختبرت كل أنواع الأفلام في حياتها.
تواكب "سيلَما" تاريخ طرابلس المعاصر قبل أن تسلّم روحها مخلّفة إرثاً كبيراً من الصور والأصوات.

The Last Screening A biography of Cilama Tripoli

618 pages, 31 x 25 cm, Arabic.

Date of Publish: August 2021, ZAC Films

Weight: 3 Kgs.
Book: 100 Années de Timbres ... by Abdo Ayoub
Brand: N/A
100 années de timbres. Une Collection d’histoires du Liban 1919-2019 (A hundred years of Lebanese stamps, a collection of stories) par Abdo Ayoub. En collaboration avec Tania Arwachan.

Le timbre, petit bout de papier d’une grande importance aux yeux des philatélistes, voit le jour en Angleterre en 1840.

Solution postale et fiscale révolutionnaire, il est adopté progressivement par le reste du monde. Ce livre présente tousles timbres émis au Liban depuis 1919.

Regroupés par séries d’émission, les timbres ont été reproduits à l’échelle 1/1, et sont accompagnés pour chaque année d’anecdotes philatéliques, historiques ou littéraires.

23x30cm, 268 pages, French.

Publishing Date: December 2018
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: Abandoned Dwellings: A History of Beirut
Brand: Kaph
Over the past 150 years, Beirut has witnessed a cycle of unbridled growth, war, economic and social crises and migratory movements.

It is in this territory ceaselessly destroyed and
rebuilt, broken and regenerated, that Gregory Buchakjian has undertaken an artistic project and a research devoted to abandoned dwellings.

Disclosing the survey of 744 buildings, the collection of archives and testimonies, a PhD thesis and the creation of photographic tableaux with the subjects surrounded by sagging furniture and mounds of rubbish, the process that constitutes the present book proposes new perspectives towards the city as well as instruments to reclaim it at times it is confronted with various forms of violence.

Format: 24 cm x 28 cm, 240 pages, 215 photographs and reproductions (colored and black & white), English

Published: November 2018

(Also available in French)
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: Alive: Gibran Khalil Gibran, by Joumana Bou Fakhreddine
Brand: N/A
'Alive' is the first art encyclopedia of Gibran Khalil Gibran presented luxuriously in two volumes in a box, with large format.

It is a beautiful illustrated book for Gibran Khalil Gibran, covering things for the first time after tremendous dedication for knowing and documenting the truth.

The 18 chapters of the book project Gibran Khalil Gibran’s prophecy in every stage of his life and how Gibran was a superior poet, a dreamer of beauty and a great Painter.

The book is a brilliant journey that contains precious manuscripts, documentation, paintings, and photographs with full of Gibran’s narration within foretelling Gibran’s life visions, upon them this beauty of wisdom and value of practical vision for optimism that now we call it positive energy.

28 cm x 28 cm, 1200 pages, English. Publication Date: 2017.
Weight: 7 Kgs.
Book: Beirut 1840-1918, by Badr el Hage & Samir Moubarak
Brand: N/A
Beirut 1840-1918, A Visual & Descriptive Portrait.

This Kutub book in 2 volumes is a history of the photography of Beirut from the earliest known photographers in the 1840s until the end of the First World War.

The first part is divided into six chapters: 1- Early Photographers. 2- The Second Decade: the 1850s. 3- The Golden Age of the 1860s. 4- The Dawn of Syrian Photography. 5- Resident Foreign and Local Photographers. 6- Professional and Amateur Photographers from 1880 to 1918.

The second part is historical, consisting of eleven chapters that describe numerous major political and social events such as sectarian conflicts, changes in political thought, bombardments of the city, Turkish oppression as well as economic developments, pilgrims, social life, etc. and a detailed topographical description of the harbor and its enlargement, the Old Town, newly built districts outside the old walls, leisure facilities, urban developments including a new water supply system, railway line to Damascus, the historic looting of antiquities, the quarantine system and many other aspects.

Volume I: Text & Illustrations: 374 pp. + [1], frontispiece plan, vignette on title page, 317 b/w photographs, maps, figures, 1 lage folding watercolour.

Volume II: 271 pp. 301 b/w photographs including 5 folding panorama + one double page watercolour, vignette on title page, biblio/. index, set fitted in a paper slip case in mint condition, new.

Date of Release: November 2022.
Weight: 2.75 Kgs.
Book: Beirut by Day, by Tania Hadjithomas Mehanna
Brand: Tamyras
This book is not a history book. It is a walk through the geographical space that is my universe. A cry of love, a cry for help; sometimes I do not recognize my city. And sometimes at the corner of a street, in someone’s face, I stumble on it, Beirut, so generous and unique. Sweet and bitter Beirut.

Many of us entertain a love-hate relationship with this city. I love you, I hate you, I'm leaving, I’m coming back. There are so many things to be said about Beirut. But I’m tired of myths and clichés, tired of nodding agreeably when spoken to of the Phoenix, of the city that is reborn from its ashes. I want my city to be saved. I no longer wish for it to die and be reborn. I’m tired of labels.

Living in Beirut isn’t enough. You have to live Beirut, to walk its streets, travel its highways, speak to its inhabitants, remember its history, hold on to what is left of it in your arms and shed light on its monuments, bring out its soul.

In Arabic, the word for neighborhood is Hay, and Hay means alive. The neighborhoods of Beirut are indeed alive. Each is distinct, with its different moods, troubles and joys, with Others just a few paces away. These Others that hold a piece of us.

Traveling through my city’s 51 neighborhoods has left a strong mark on my Beiruti identity. I belong to no other city. Beirut isn’t an idea. It is not impossible. Beirut is a challenge. It exists. It wakes up every morning and hurries through the day.

It’s too often talked about in the past, with a tremor in the voice of those who are hanging on to bygone sterile times. It’s also spoken of in the future, with uncertainty. But in this book Beirut is spoken of in the present, a cry of love; all that I have to offer.

Bilingual: English, French.
Weight: 2.2 Kgs.
Book: Chateau Musar The Story of a Wine Icon
Brand: N/A
Chateau Musar’s story is one of war, hardship and utter determination in the face of chaos and destruction. Serge Hochar, the heroic Lebanese winemaker who stood by his wines through the 15 years of civil war (1975–1990) dodging shells and road-blocks to get his precious grapes to safety, knew that his wines were among the brightest stars in the world wine firmament. Today we look at the uniquely complex (and often miraculous) wines he created and begin to understand how and why Serge worked in the way he did. Only now, in a new era of ‘Natural Wines’ do we fully appreciate what he was trying to achieve…

Our new book celebrates Chateau Musar – its history, its terroir, the philosophy of its winemaker, and the legacy that the Hochar family (Ronald, Gaston, Marc and Ralph) continue today – alongside its remarkable catalogue of vintages and stunning new releases from the winery in 2020.

Musar has attracted a loyal fan base around the world since Michael Broadbent first ‘discovered’ the wine in 1979. Today, vintage collectors, food lovers, A-list sommeliers and the many of us who look for a wine with something distinctively different to say, are drawn to its unique character and fashionably ‘hands-off’ approach to viticulture and winemaking. Our new title charts Musar’s journey from Lebanese rising star to global taste sensation.
Weight: 1 Kg.
Book: Cinema in Lebanon, Liban, by Raphael Millet
Brand: N/A
Cinema in Lebanon, Le cinéma au Liban.

11 Conversations with Mario Haddad, Georges Nasser, Mounir Maasri, Jocelyne Saab, Jean-Claude Codsi, Ghassan Salhab, Mohamed Soueid, Ziad Doueiri, Joana Hadjithomas & Khalil Joreige, Nadine Labaki, Georges Schoucair.

Cinema in Lebanon recounts a tumultuous history starting in 1897, the year Alexandre Promio creates the first movie ever filmed in Lebanon for the Lumière Brothers, up until 2015.

This bilingual work offers an in-depth exploration of the subject supported by a large iconographic selection, eleven exclusive conversations with key figures of the film industry - directors, producers, actors, cinema operators - and an extensive filmography.

With this book, Raphaël Millet rewrites the history of cinema in Lebanon in the broader context of film history.

Chronologically, the author introduces us to the very beginning of cinema, the Golden Age, the war and post-war periods, highlighting the determination and ingenuity of this industry that knew how to resist, survive, and self renew.

Speaking to a large readership, from the general public to the experts, Cinema in Lebanon offers detailed analyses of movies, an essential contextualisation, and access to exclusive visual archives.

It is also a book that gives voice to those who have made - and still make - movies in Lebanon.

25 cm x 25 cm, 464 pages, English and French. Publication Date: December 2017.
Weight: 2.6 Kgs.
Book: Histoire Illustrée du Liban, by Nayla De Freige, Maya Saad
Brand: N/A
Tout au long des siècles, une bande de terre donnant sur la Méditerranée orientale, avec ses montagnes et ses plaines attire les Empires et abrite les minorités.

Dans sa première version, publiée en 1987, Histoire Illustrée du Liban decrivait la periode allant cde l'âge de pierre au début de la guerre civile en 1975.

Cette nouvelle édition poursuit le récit jusqu'en 2008. Elle s'articule autour d'une trame chronologique qui replace les événements-repères et les dates-clés, illustrés avec détails, couleur et humour.

Language: French
Format22 x 28 cm, 72 pages
Publication Date: January 2022
Weight: 1 Kg.
Book: L’Académie Française raconte le Liban, by Hyam Mallat - Livre
New Release
Brand: N/A
Cet ouvrage de Hyam Mallat rappelle la relation culturelle des écrivains de
l’Académie française avec le Liban de 1665 à 2024.

Au cours de son histoire, le pays du Cèdre a interpelé et suscité l’intérêt et la curiosité d’académiciens français dont certains comptent
au nombre des plus éminents de leur époque.

Et ceux-ci ont témoigné dans leurs écrits et leurs interventions de la
spécificité de cette terre avec ses nombreuses communautés
religieuses, véritables familles spirituelles exigeant l’instauration
d’institutions politiques originales pour un exercice équilibré et
salutaire du pouvoir.

Cet ouvrage met en lumière, identifie et rappelle le témoignage de l’Académie française envers ce pays qui a assimilé depuis des siècles l’apport et la contribution de
la culture française à ses institutions publiques et privées et qui
est aujourd’hui un acteur engagé dans la francophonie.

C’est également le témoignage rendu à cette osmose instaurée
au cours des siècles entre la France et le Liban conduisant à
une affinité qui est un privilège de l’histoire politique et culturelle du Liban.

Publication: Août 2024.
Weight: 0.75 Kgs.
Book: La Derniere Seance, by Antoine Kabbabe, المشهد الأخير, Livre
Brand: N/A
La Dernière Séance (المشهد الأخير) retrace l'histoire des salles de cinéma dans 65 régions Libanaises depuis 1900.

Ce livre contient 800 photos et 110 illustrations en couleur et 75 affiches, de 225 salles de cinéma.

440 pages, French and Arabic, 31 X 23 x 3 cm. Date of publication: July 2022.
Weight: 2.6 Kgs.
Book: Le Pays Envolé. Romans Libanais de l Emigration (1998-2012), by Dima Samaha, Livre
Brand: N/A
L'émigration s'est imposée comme une pratique libanaise à partir de la fin du XIXe siècle. Une littérature vibrante s'est depuis construite hors des frontières du Liban.

Cet essai constitue la première étude comparative de romans publiés en anglais et en français entre 1998 et 2012, par des écrivains libanais ayant pris le chemin de l'exil après le début du conflit civil.

Il questionne les stratégies narratives, la fonction de la parole et les mécanismes mémoriels mobilisés dans l'écriture de l'Histoire, relevant d'un questionnement permanent autour de l'identité et de la filiation.

L'examen de ces romans publiés au lendemain de cette période charnière révèle les innovations formelles produites par une littérature caractérisée par le déplacement.

Date de publication: 26 juillet 2023, 264 pages

Weight: 0.55 Kgs.
Book: Lebanon & On, by Tania Hadjithomas Mehanna
Brand: Tamyras
On a daily basis, Lebanon recognizes itself in the perpetuation of the inherited gestures of our collective culture.

From zajal to saj bread, the dabke to blown glass, barmet el arouss to the service taxi, the sherwal to kishk, Lebanese traditions, whether religious, culinary, related to craft, family or society, accompany the Lebanese here and elsewhere on and on.

This book traces the roots and explores the growth of some of these customs that live on and on.

22 x 28 cm, 224 pages. Bilingual: English, French.
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.