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Enjoy our curated selection of distinguished products:
Karabij Pistachios & Natef, TIN, Amal Bohsali (Arabic Sweets)
Brand: Amal Bohsali (1878), Beirut, Lebanon
Karbouge or karabige. Paste made of wheat flour and grinded pistachios, stuffed with pistachios, in a Tin box. Karabij dessert is eaten with natef cream (included). Weight includes box. About 70 pieces.
Weight: 2.8 Kgs.
Box (2.2 Kg)
Ramadan Delight Gift Box (Sweets, Dates, Marzipan, Pine Nuts)
Brand: N/A
$258  $242
-900 g box of Baklawa mixed. Brand: Rafaat Hallab & Sons.

-2.2 Kg of Karabij and natef in a Tin box. Brand: Amal Bohsali

-850 g box of Tamer (premium dates with seeds).

-750 g box of Marzipan fingers, pistachio and almond. Brand: Le Marzipan.

-850 g of Snawbar pine nuts. Brand: Hboubna.
Weight: 6.5 Kgs.